
Youtube Analysis Using WebApp

In this project, I've created a web app using streamlit library, which can be used by any YouTuber to analyze their channel. All they need to enter is their API key and Channel ID.
To Create Youtube API Key, Refer to Thu Vu's video from the link below (Timestamp: 1:11 to 2:14 & 3:15 To 3:35)

💻 Landing Page (Demo)

notion image


  1. Thu Vu's video for doing the project in Python
  1. Tyler’s git repo for making the WebApp
  1. M Khorasani’s article for creating Date Slider in the App


  1. Data Extraction from youtube API
  1. Data Cleaning & Feature Engineering
  1. Data Analysis in Python
  1. Creatig the WebApp using streamlit
  1. Deploying on Streamlit Cloud

How To Use The App:

Video preview